For all of you wrestling simulator
fans out there, I have Zeus Pro 4.0.5 mods up Here
Make sure to visit the newest part of my site entitled: My crappy commentaries, which you probably don't care about anyways!
She's Really Got it going on
She's the kind of mom I'd Like to get on
Your Mom
Your Mom
Should Post her Pictures
On Sexy Women
Over 40 dot com
I wanna get with your mom
If only I were older, then maybe I could hold her
Your Mom
If only I wasn't so damn young, maybe I could kiss her with my tongue.
It seems that I was born too late,
So all that I can do is lie in bed and wait,
~Donkey Punch!
Myself on No DQ asking about Ferrari Vs. Paris Hilton *updated, now an MP3!*
Rot N Luk presents an audio haiku!
My LiveJournal (
Justin Chortie - Voice Overs
Justin's videos on Youtube Updated