I have Flash Animations Up!
Birds Of Prey a WB show I used to watch, I made a flash animation of it...
Deer Park, A school project I Had to do.
Hardy Boyz Pics (for all you ladies out there) ;)
My most random Flash animation , it includes mostly wrestling
EMPIRE STATE WRESTLING <---only recommended for higher level connections Save this one, and save time*
The History of excitebike <---It's only going to take a little longer. Save this one, and save time*
Clips of random vice city mods <---only recommended for higher level connections Save this one, and save time*
Flash Animation dedicated to Mandrake & Ferrari <---only recommended for higher level connections Save this one, and save time*
*right click, save target as, and when you get the file right click it and play it with either a flash player or if you dont have one, internet explorer, it is also reccommended if you use internet explorer, to make the window smaller, because I don't own top quality flash designing software.
My LiveJournal (
Justin Chortie - Voice Overs