Full Name: Justin Alan Chortie
Occupation: Student at North Tonawanda High School, Website Owner (the one you're on, duh!), Cult leader (oops, not supposed to talk about that), and Co-Editor of Horizon Newspaper.
Age: 16
Date of Birth: September 19, 1987 6:something AM.
NickName: Jojo, Jvstin "Joho" Choczlery, and Chortie
AIM: Jojo56qwerty
Yahoo: Joeynumberz56@yahoo.com
E-Mail: Justin@rotnluk.com
My pics:
Didn't I look so cute? Of course, that's when I wasn't smashing cookie monster banks over my sis's head. :)
Boy do I miss Sprinkle, RIP
We like the backstreet boys, N*Sync too, Britney Spears is kind of cute... I'm the only one in the pic w/out boobs, in case you still can't tell, I'm the one with short hair
Me and cousin Mandi, posing in front of the Kahunaville sign.
The Three of us RotNlukkers looking into the camera :)
Me and jesus go way back
I made him so angry,
this happened:
I'm not even sure what I was thinking, ideas come into my head and I do them before I think about how stupid they might be.
Me and Amanda got pretty thirsty.
Here I am about to "swanton" onto the camera person.
Me "posing" for the camera with cousin Mandi.
Once again, not sure what I was thinking, with sis, danielle.
OH OH OH Jojo! The Rot N Luk-Kid and a coke.
I won a contest for scariest noise by screaming in donny walker's face!
Suck it!
That's my sexiest pose! (because you can't see most of me)

What my sis did to me on decade day.
Apparently I wasn't a good boy, cuz I didn't get that metal Kazoo I wanted!
Mom, Sis, and Me (As I am in the process of posing interestingly enough)
My pets:
Stuff I like: wrestling, music, movies, Updating http://rotnluk.com/ , hangin' with friends, and sleeping.
What I Do With My Time: Going to North Tonawanda High School, working on the Horizon newspaper, watching wrestling, watching movies, resting, playing Extreme Warfare Revenge, playing a Tony Hawk Pro Skater game on my PS2 (I have all 4 [I don't have THUG[Tony Hawk Underground], though]), and more stuff that is confidential.
Video Games Owned:
PS2: Grand Theft Auto 3, Grand Theft Auto Vice City, SSX, SSX Tricky, Tony Hawk Pro Skater (3 + 4), WWF Smackdown! Just Bring it, WWE Crush Hour, and WWE Smackdown! Shut your mouth.
Beyond the Mat - Wrestling Documentary... Brilliance!
Back To the Future Part I, Part II, and Part III - In my opinion greatest movie trilogy Ever!
3 Ninjas: High Noon at Mega Mountain - I don't see why people hate this movie, Ernest (Hey Vern!) is a villain who's working for a more evil source, Loni Anderson, so they Hi-jack a Carnival, and guess who's there to stop them, the Three Ninjas and Hulk Hogan (playing a washed up TV superhero, [oh the irony, LOL]).
Bean - America's Adaptation of the British Goof, Mister Bean.
UHF - "Weird Al" Yankovic (parody singer), Victoria Jackson (Saturday Night Live), Fran Drescher (The Nanny), and John Paragon (Jambi The Genie, Pee-wee's Playhouse [so that's how Weird al could get away with singing Jambi's lines, in his parody of an offspring song {Pretty Fly for a Rabbi}]) star in this comedy about a small television station beating the networks.
Any Mel Brooks Comedy - One of the Gods of Comedy
Monty Python's And Now for Something Completely Different - If you try and read the funniest joke in the world you will die laughing.
Finding Nemo - Fin! Noggin! Du-ude!
Rollerball - Paul Heyman as... An Announcer, and Shane McMahon as... A business man! Oh the possibilities!
The Breakfast Club - Great movie... But, the fan fiction's better: WWE Breakfast Club. :)
National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation Classic Movie, In which my favorite scene has to be when Clark (Chevy Chase) greases up the metal sled so it goes faster and he goes down the hill... And sparks start flying, literally.
I can't think of anymore at the moment, but they'll come to me!
Latest news:
I gave up Pop/Soda/Pepsi/Coke/Soda Pop/Soft Drink on Christmas Eve 2003 let's see how long this lasts! (December 24, 2003)
It lasted 5 days! A new record! (December 29, 2003)
I'm updating my info page! (February 28, 2004)
Newest Discovery:
Even if the oatmeal box says microwavable, microwaves and Oatmeal are not friends, my oatmeal turned into a flat thin sheet of mush...
My LiveJournal (
Justin Chortie - Voice Overs