January 25 - 31, 2004

Cop: How are you today?
Al: Alright, what's up?
Cop: Anyone else in the car with you?
Al: Yeah, my kids.
Cop: Anyone got a black ski mask or are there any little kids with you?
Al: No... ?
Cop: Well the reason I pulled you over today is because your vehicle matches the description of one we're looking for.
Al: Ohhh... well then. *laughs a little*
Danielle & Justin: *laugh a little, thinking, what the hell???*
- Danielle, Justin, and their dad getting pulled over by an NT cop on 1/29/04

"Look! Booker T's head!" - Kyle, finding an action figure's head under the couch, while Justin was lifting it up, looking for the missing Game Boy Advanced, 1/28/04

"If Tajiri won the Royal Rumble, it would be famous around the country, especially in Japan" - Jim Ross explaining what it would be like if Tajiri won the Royal Rumble, 1/25/04

"They're like... light, medium, and dark!" - Justin describing 3 Live Kru on TNA Xplosion, 1/25/04

"Kane! You're gonna kick MY butt? I'm gonna kick YOUR butt!" - Kyle talking trash to the posters on Amanda's wall, 1/25/04

January 18 - 24, 2004

What happened when Danielle went to google.com, 1/21/04

Sandy: [talking in her sleep] Long John Silver's... fish place... dinner tonight...
Justin: [awake] What?
Sandy: Long John Silver's... fish place... dinner tonight.
Justin: What??
- Justin listening to mom talk in her sleep, morning of 1/20/04

PDB is Amanda's reslut hero!!! - 1/18/04

"Today on 'Tommy Mandrake & Friends', we are learning how to insert safety pins in our hair!" - Amanda, 1/18/04

Justin: And you know what they say about big boots?
Bryan: What?
Justin: Big Hands, and you know what they say about big hands?
Bryan: What?
Justin: Big gloves!
Bryan: And what do they say about big gloves?
Justin: Big end tables?
- Justin and Bryan discussing an interesting subject on an unknown date.

January 11 - 17, 2004

Rot N Luk at OSPW Rebirth 1/17/04 (Pic courtesy of Nick Boller and oldschoolpro.cjb.net)

Pictures from OSPW Rebirth 1/17/04

Danielle: Hey! You're gonna drop it [birthday cake] down my shirt!! And then I'm gonna make you lick it up!!
Amanda: Mmmm cleavage cream.
- Amanda & Danielle eating cake at Kyle's 4th birthday party, 1/11/04

January 4 - 10, 2004

Pictures from Cocoa Beach from 1/9/04

Justin: Cong-est? [pronounced Kong est]
Danielle: Congestion.
Justin: OH!
- Justin trying to read the road sign on I-4, 1/8/04

Sandy: I thought you were gonna go take a shower.
Justin: I will... when the spider monkeys are done.
Danielle & Justin: *laugh hysterically for 10 minutes*
- morning of 1/8/04

Pictures from Disney's Magic Kingdom from 1/7/04

Joan: They have futuristic lights and...
Justin: Do they have a futuristic bathroom?
- Justin interrupting Joan's tour-guiding in Tomorrowland at Magic Kingdom, because he has to go to the bathroom, 1/7/04

"Oh, you match... what do your shirts say? ...Rot N Luk dot com..." - Wendy (from Peter Pan), with her British accent, reading Danielle & Justin's sweatshirts, Disney's Magic Kingdom, morning of 1/7/04

Pictures from Universal Studios from 1/6/04

Pictures from Islands of Adventure and Universal Studios from 1/5/04

Joan: It's like an upscale dollar store.
Justin: Isn't that an oxymoron?
- Joan describing one of the stores in Florida, 1/4/04

December 28, 2003 - January 3, 2004

"What's a Buccaneer?
The thing on the side of your Buccan-head."

-Joan, in Tampa on the way to Clearwater Beach, 1/3/04

Pictures of Daytona Beach, FL from 1/2/04

Pictures of International Drive in Orlando, FL from 1/1/04

"I need your moose-y thing." - security guy at metal detector/x-ray machine at Buffalo Airport, to Danielle, 5:15am, 1/1/04