Sorry for the lack of pictures... but Danielle and Amanda were too busy following the hot zombies...
Zombies we saw:
Sweater Guy
Amanda's Aunt Jackie (2 different zombies)
Josh Matthews
hot gay one in Dead Man's Dance Party
Justin and Amanda waiting in line at Darien Lake... Justin... no.
Amanda and Danielle waiting in line at Darien Lake... Danielle looks eeeeevviiiil.
Danielle and Justin waiting in line at Darien Lake... Justin looks gaaaaaaaaaay.
Amanda frolicking in front of the theatre before Dead Man's Dance Party.
Justin "HBK... or something" Chortie... and a Coke.
The Kiss 98.5 t-shirt Donny Walker gave Justin for screaming like a woman.
Amanda thuggin it on the Ferris wheel.
Justin doing crotch chops... and still looking gaaaaaaay.
Picture of the park from the top of the Ferris wheel.
The Six Flags Fright Fest logo in lights on the pavement.
Amanda and Justin laying in the limelight.