Omen coming out to the ring.
Omen clutching himself and retreating to the back.
JP Hawke & Damian Alexander.
Grappler X waiting to be tagged.
Damian Alexander.
Purple Rain moving too fast for the camera.
Grappler X.
Jamin attacking Damian & JP.
Jamin & Ryan Hazard.
Damian looking a bit depressed.
Flatline jumping off the turnbuckle.
2 refs helping Lucho Grande to the back.
Ice hanging on the ropes while Jonny Puma talks.
Shade climbing the turnbuckle to attack Puma from behind.
Shade about to slam Puma.
Refs helping Shade to the back... Sweater Guy Dan Murphy is there too.
Mastiff coming out to challenge Puma for the title... Mini-Mastiff is there in the black hoodie to the left of Mastiff.
Mastiff in the ring.
Shade going to the back after running in to help Mastiff.
Mastiff jumping off the turnbuckle.
Mastiff shaking off an injury.
The group that hauled Puma back to the ring when he tried to retreat to the back - Damian Alexander, Flatline, and Cade Cassidy to name a few.
The celebration that occured when Mastiff won the title. (YAY!!!)
More celebrating.
The floor of St. Johnsburg covered in Shade's green mist.