TITLE: Lions and Dragons and Snakes, Oh My! (Part 3) AUTHOR: Serra E-MAIL: sprise@innernet.net RATING: PG-13 (some cursing and slashy innuendo on the part of the MiSTers) DISTRIBUTION: Please ask first. DISCLAIMER: All wrestling characters are property of World Wrestling Federation Entertainment, Inc. No copyright infringement is intended. The story being MiSTed belongs to its original author, who writes under the pen name Scorpina. I mean her no personal disrespect. NOTE: I'm sorry it's taken so long to get this part out! The muses and I kinda got sidetracked for a few months. << Chapter 4 >> Kane (covering his eyes again): What are you people trying to do? Torture me? You promised I didn't have to read this part! Benoit (looking at Jericho): I didn't promise him anything. Did you? Jericho shakes his head. Taker: Kane, this isn't Chapter 4 again; that's just a typo. Kane (peering through his fingers): Are you sure? Taker (sighing): Yes, I'm sure. We just finished Chapter 4. Now would you please act like an adult and read the story. Kane (moving his hands away from his face): So what happened to me? Benoit: You turned into a dragon. Kane (looking at Taker): I did? For real? Taker nods; Kane pouts. << Taker ran out of the room after Kane, when he reached the top of the hotel, he saw Kane's shirt in shreds, and his mask was torn to bits. >> Kane starts whimpering. Taker (getting annoyed): For god's sake, grow up! It's ONLY a story! << Kane had his back turned, there were scales on Kane's back, arms and neck. >> Kane (still whimpering): Why does this stuff always have to happen to me? Benoit: You're the one who told the world that you're a monster. Kane: But did everyone have to take me so literally? Benoit (shrugging his shoulders): Shit happens. << "Brother!" Taker called, Kane turned to face Taker. His face was covered in black and white scales. >> Benoit: At least the scars are hidden. Kane: That's mean. Benoit: And your point is? << Taker was shocked. "Kane down't go!" Taker cried, the dragon tattoo was gone. >> Jericho: And that made you cry, Taker? Taker: I'm a very sensitive person when it comes to tattoos. << Kane stood on the edge of the hotel roof. And fell backwards! >> Benoit (looking at Kane): Must you always take the coward's way out? Kane: At least I won't be a dragon anymore. Benoit: Yeah, you'll be a large, gooey splotch on the sidewalk. Kane: But I'll be out of this story. Benoit: Good point. << "No!" Taker yelled, he ran to the edge and saw Kane fly! And he flew away from the city! "Kane...where are you going?" Taker asked. >> Kane: As far away from you as I can get. Taker: I'll remember that the next time you need help in the ring. Kane: I'm sure you will. << he ran back inside the building, Sara was waiting for him. >> Taker: Lucky me. << "Taker...what's wrong? Where's Kane!" she demanded. >> Jericho (as Taker): Well ... it's a funny story, really. You're gonna laugh your ass off when I tell you. Taker: I doubt that. << "He flew away!" Taker explained, >> Jericho (as Taker): See, I told you it was a funny story. << he packed his bags and Sara's. "We have to go home!" "But we just got here!" she shot back. >> Benoit (looking at Taker): Is she always this self-centered? Taker: I would prefer not to answer that. << "Sara! Please. I know this is difficult, but we have to go now!" "How did this happen?" she asked. Taker was silent. "You know how this happened.....don't you?" >> Taker: Why is it that when something weird happens, people automatically assume I have something to do with it? Kane: Because usually, you do. << "Sara, pack up, we are leaving" he ordered, the phone ranged. "WHAT!" Taker roared. >> Benoit: Someone's getting testy. Taker: I'm under a lot of stress right now, okay? << "Take! It's Austin!" >> Taker: Oh, goody. << "Steve...why are you calling me?" >> Benoit (in high-pitched voice): To tell you I wuv you ve-wy, ve-wy much. Jericho laughs; Taker shudders. << "Well...I wanted to ask how come Kane is here at the arena asleep in my locker room>> Jericho: Damn! That was fast! Benoit: Yeah, it took what, less than five minutes for him to get from Japan back to the States? Jericho: He must have kicked it into super-hyper warp speed. << wearing only shorts, when he was sappose to be in Japan with you!" He replied. >> Kane: You'd be surprised how fast I can move when I want to get away from someone. Taker (glaring at Kane): I'll remember that one, too. Kane shrugs. Benoit (looking at Kane): Well, it looks like someone is starting to feel better. Kane: Do I have a choice? It looks like I'm stuck in this stupid story 'til the end. << "Kane is there!" Taker roared. >> Benoit (as Austin): Do you have wax in your ears, son? I just told ya he was asleep in my locker room. Jericho: What? Benoit: I said, I just told y- Taker (snarling): If you two value your lives, you'll stop ... NOW. << "Yeah...he's out like a light and his stomach is roaring like some sort of bear, I don't think he has eaten in a while!" >> Jericho: They must not have served an in-flight meal. << "Steve, watch Kane!" Taker pleaded. >> Benoit: Why? Is he going to start doing tricks or something? << "Why you don't think......you do...don't ya?" he asked. Taker nodded his head. "Yeah...I think so." "OK, I will watch the big man for a while. Get here as soon as you can ok!" >> Benoit (in high-pitched voice): Cuz I miss my widdle Deadman! Jericho makes kissing noises. Kane snickers; Taker growls. << "Yeah, thanks Austin" Taker hung up. "What the hell was that about!" Sara demanded. >> Jericho (as Taker): Well darlin', I'm not sure how to tell you this, but ... I'm in love with the Bionic Redneck. Benoit (as Sara): That's okay, I was just using you to get closer to The Rock anyway. Taker (mumbling): There's a shock. << "We are going now. Sara come on." Taker stated, they check out of the hotel and got to the airport, the flight to New York was delayed...untill Tuesday, which was 4 days from now! >> Jericho: Damn! Did all the flight attendants go on strike or something? << Taker sighed. "Do you have anything important in these bags?" Taker asked. >> Benoit (as Sara): Just your money -- I cleaned out your bank accounts and liquidated all your stocks before I left home. Taker growls. << Sara shook her head. >> Jericho (looking at Taker): What, no smart comments? Taker stares at him. << "No...why?" she asked. Taker took her hand and led her outside, No one was around in the back of the airport. "Sara, Don't be scared when I do this ok?" he asked. >> Jericho (looking at Taker): I bet you sat that to ALL the girls. Taker: That's none of your business, is it boy? << Sara looked at him oddly. >> Taker: Like a cow at a passing train. Jericho (looking at Kane): I assume that was an insult? Kane nods. << "Do what?" she asked. Wing sprouted from his back. >> Jericho (blinking at the screen): Wing? What good is ONE wing going to do? << Taker became a human dragon...like what Kane was earlier. >> Benoit: At least Kane wasn't a DEFORMED human dragon. Taker raises an eyebrow and glares at him. << "Taker!?" Sara demanded. >> Jericho: Uh oh. Someone has some 'splainin' to do. << "Yes, I will explain later. but for now. Get on my back. Don't let go and hang on tight!" >> Jericho (looking at Taker): I'm surprised you warned her. Taker: As I keep saying, this is fiction. << Meanwhile at the arena >> Benoit: Triple H is putting the audience to sleep with one of his three-hour monologues. << Austin kept a close eye on Kane. Kane suddenly woke up. >> Jericho: And freaked out when he found Austin's eye on him. << "Austin......where am I? What happened.....where's my shirt!" Kane demanded. >> Kane: Why do I keep losing my clothes in this story? Taker: Maybe Scorpina thinks you're sexy. Benoit and Jericho (singing): If you think I'm sexy, and you want my body, come on baby, let me know ... Kane (glaring at them): Shut up! << "And mask!" Austin pointed out. Kane felt his face and hid it. "No use hiding it now. I saw your face, and you don't look bad Kane... >> Benoit (as Austin): In fact, I'm thinkin' of dumping your brother so I can get me a piece of the Big Red Machine. Taker and Jericho laugh; Kane shudders violently. << "Debra even likes ya! >> Taker: Like that means anything -- she'll jump on anything that moves. Jericho (looking at Taker): Do you know that from experience? Taker: None of your business. << She was taking care of ya!" he smirked. >> Benoit: He was asleep in the corner -- what's to take care of? << Kane looked at Austin. >> Jericho (in a breathy voice): And immediately realized that he had fallen head-over-heels in love with the Texas Rattlesnake. Kane: Would you PLEASE stop it! << "Be honest with me... >> Benoit (in high-pitched voice): Do I look fat? Taker and Jericho laugh; Kane blushes. << what happened to me?" Kane asked. >> Taker: Someone dropped you on your head when you were a baby. Kane (glaring at Taker): Et tu, Taker? Taker: Sorry ... couldn't help myself. << Austin sighed. "You went to that temple in Japan right?" he asked. >> Kane (pouting): Only because Taker made me. Taker: It wasn't like I was holding a gun to your head, or anything. << Kane nodded. "I suggest you talk to Chris Jericho" he replied. >> Jericho gulps loudly. Kane: It's real funny now, isn't it blondie? To be continued ...