(What do you see? Blackness. No, you're not going blind, Steven's having a hard time setting up the camera again). STEVEN -Off-screen-: "Connect coaxial cable to Port Vector A." IVORY: -Off-screen-: "What the hell's a coaxial cable?!" STEVEN: "Don't curse!" IVORY: "You're the one who hot-wired this thing, Bull, YOU figure it out." BULL: "Uh, did you try the 'on' switch?" (We hear a clicking, then a "whirring" noise. The picture pulls into focus. Steven, Ivory and Bull are sitting behind a console-like desk, coated with grease and seeming exhausted). STEVEN -Embarrassed-: "Oh." -more confidently-"It seems to be fully operational." -he claps his hands- "Roll call!" IVORY-After performing the "RTC Salute", which resembles the "General Scrube Salute" from the Mel Brooks Motion Picture "Spaceballs-: "First Female Lieutenant in charge of womanly stuff Ivory. Keeper of the White Sensory Deprivation Bag." BULL -same-: "Second in command Bull Buchanan. Keeper of the Occupational Therapy Sock Puppets." STEVEN -same-: "First in command Steven M. Richards. Owner of the only mint collection of Oscar Alfonso Saiyan-jin trading cards. At ease, troops." -all relax and assume normal stance- STEVEN: -staring into the camera, woodenly reciting-: "This is a recording of the first interplanetary mission of the RTC. In the hope of converting Mars and passing out starched shirts to those heathen Venusians, the RTC, minus the late Brother Val and Brother Goodfather..." BULL: "He ain't dead!" STEVEN: "Yeah, but he's late getting back from his space walk," -cheesy rimshot sound effect- "Good, the Stand-Up Comedicon works. We created this vessel in the hope of interplanetary travel, blah blah," -flips through the pages on his clipboard- "Oh, and while we're in-between missions, we will be conducting mental endurance experiments." BULL: "Now waitaminit; when I signed up for this, there wasn't any mention of any experiments." STEVEN: "No need to worry, brother Bull; this time you won't have to sign a medical waiver. These are mental experiments." IVORY: "Anything remotely connected to you, Steven, is mental." (The sound of air decompressing sounds in the ship; Val and Goodfather, in rather goofy, baggy silver-looking space suits with big, devil-horn shaped spires on the helmets). VAL: -taking off his helmet-: "Sorry, sorry!" STEVEN: "Brother Val, how are the ship's shock protectors?" VAL: "Steady as she goes." -He salutes for the camera-: "Second ship right Val Venis, navigator, mechanic and keeper of the intellatron." GOODFATHER -taking off his helmet-: "Brother Goodfather, keeper of Steven's little black book and the mailbox." STEVEN -smiling-: "Good, we're all here. Now all I have to do is press this little button that'll launch us..right..here..." (The ship suddenly jerks sideways, throwing all of the crew members against each other) STEVEN: "Physical contact!! Argh!" (They're thrown to the left again, then, with red lighting and engine-related sound effects, the ship launches into space. Exterior shot of the satellite, which looks like a gigantic "forbidden" symbol from the outside. It rises upward) VAL -off screen-: "I think we're in some sort of tractor beam!" GOODFATHER-sarcastically-: "No shit, Sherlock?" ALL: -mocking Steven-: "Goodfather! Language!" (The satellite freezes in place, we pan upward, slowly, to see what structure has decided to hold them in their nefarious grip. The structure is shaped like a pair of breasts, holstered in by a bra). (RTC SATELLITE. They are gathered by a window and staring incredulously) ALL: "The hell?!" (From behind their shoulders, we see monitors in their desk/console flicker to life. The sound alerts Bull, who's shriek draws the attention of the rest of the RTC-ites. A small, very familiar woman, bewigged and grinning maliciously). STEVEN: -horrified-: "No!! You were fired! It can't be!" THE KAT: "Aww, didn't you miss me, Stevie?" (She winks, a dramatic vamp plays, and we cut to...) (COMMERCIALS)